Designer bedroom Tag

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Designing Your Living Room

  Tips on how to redesign your living room space Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, people around the world are mostly staying home. To say that we are all coping well is polarising given the level of comfort one feels at home. For us fortunate enough to have space, staring at the same four walls may start to feel dreary. But before you reach for the paintbrush, here are some styling ideas for your living room that may help beat the isolation blues. Follow these...

Sleeping Beauty – 3 Ways To Make Your Bedroom A Haven

  3 things to focus on in the bedroom this Autumn     Colour Okay don’t freak out. We’re not telling you to paint your walls bright red (Unless you love that idea, in which case, GO FOR IT) But colour is the best way to make your bedroom feel more… ‘You’ We’ve found two best ways to use colour - especially when staging a home for sale. 1.Use subtleties. Your walls make up your room, so let’s include them in this section! We recommend keeping your walls...

How To Create Your Designer Bedroom

How do you create a boudoir fit for a queen? Our styling guru and cushion artiste, Georgia K, imparts her expertise to help you create the designer bedroom of your dreams. Key ingredients for your designer bedroom 1. Frame the bed The most expensive element to your bedroom is the bed, and its style dictates the look and feel of the entire room. Yet you can make your own affordable upholstered bed head for under $100, depending on the choice of fabric. If you...